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âšī¸ This is a mini-project as part of the **KodeGo** Bootcamp that I attended for six months (September 2022 - February 2023). I decided to make this project strategically as this project is done individually and it served as my guide and inspiration to finished the said Bootcamp. With my previous knowledge in UX design, I implemented styles that I see fit for this project. Furthermore, the skills taught to us in the Bootcamp in front-end dev made this possible. Lastly, with some exposure to journalism and graphics design, I created most of the content in this project.
This portfolio website showcases my works in web development, graphics design, UX design, and blogging. Furthermore this contains some of my backgrounds, what I value and my social links. As this website contains four-responsive pages with relevant contents for my prospects.
- A multi-page responsive website that showcases my works in web development, graphics design, UX design, and blogging.
- Four responsive pages with relevant content for my prospects, including information about my background, values, and social links.
Tools and Technologies Used
- Bootstrap for creating a responsive design and layout.
- GitHub for version control.
- GitHub Pages for hosting and deploying the website.
Key Achievements
- Successfully implemented a responsive design and layout using Bootstrap, highlighting my ability to implement what I have learned in the Bootcamp and create user-friendly and accessible websites.
- Showcased my skills in web development, graphics design, UX design, and copy writing through relevant and engaging content.
- Utilized version control tool such as GitHub, demonstrating my ability to manage a project effectively.
Lessons Learned
- Planning and organization are crucial to the success of any project.
- Consistency in design and content is important for creating a professional and cohesive website.
- Continuous learning and improvement are necessary to keep up with the constantly evolving field of web development.